Name: Apricot Rose
Age: 10
Previous Life: Breeder Release
Sex: Female
Altered: Yes
Housebroken: Unknown
Good with dogs/cats/kids: Yes/OK/Yes
Likes: Soft food, sleeping
Dislikes: Unknown
Update from foster home —
Hello, my name is Apricot Rose, but my foster family has nicked named me Rosie, or Rosie Posy and I am 9 years young! They say you are only as old as you feel and I feel great! I am one of the 12 pugs that the Nebraska Pug Association rescued a couple of weeks ago. I have spent most of my life in a kennel having puppies, which is why I am so good with kids, even toddlers! I really enjoy my foster dog brothers. They are teaching me what it really means to be a dog. They have taught me how to go up and down the stairs and how to go to the bathroom outside. I still have some accidents on the carpets but I am getting better. I even recently discovered my new favorite toy….a scrunchy. My foster family has this thing called a cat but Im not quite sure what to make of it. It just looks at me and I just look at it, quite boring if you ask me. With my foster dog brothers, I like being the only female. When you have been through as much as I have, its good to be Queen. I had to have a lot of teeth removed when I was rescued so I have to eat soft food, but it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying a good meal. My favorite past times are sleeping on the couch, sleeping on the bed with my foster family, and sleeping on the air conditioning vent when I get hot. I may sleep a lot but I love to snuggle too. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I would make a great companion. I just want to be close to you and show you my love. If you have any questions about me or wanting to adopt me then please contact the Nebraska Pug Association.
New Update from Foster Home –
Hello again, It’s me Rosie. I just wanted to give all of you in Pug Land a little update about me. I am still living with my foster family and settling into “a dog’s life.” I really enjoy napping on anything soft, a blanket, my puppy bed, but most of all my foster family’s bed. I am a great foot warmer. For those of you who do not know me, I am 10 years old, but I still have a lot of spunk left in me. I get along with all kinds of dogs, cats, kids and babies. I like other dogs but some female dogs can be a little much for me. I would really be a great dog for an older couple or even a service animal that goes to hospitals and sees sick patients. I have so much love to give and all I ask in return is a pat on the head and a belly rub sometimes. I have my moments where I get really excited, like when my foster family comes home but usually I’m a pretty laid back, go with the flow kind of dog. If I sound like a perfect fit for your family then please contact Pug Partners of Nebraska and hopefully I will get to meet you soon.
Rosie is Adopted!